Undercover Photos From Caboodle Ranch, Inc.

Filthy and Dangerous Conditions

Cats, who are fastidiously clean animals, were left to use filthy, fly-covered litterboxes at Caboodle. Feces and urine stained impossible-to-sanitize wooden floors, which were strewn with loose needles and veterinary drugs.


Maggots on November 14, 2011

Maggots covered medications and food that Grant kept in his refrigerator inside a dilapidated, cockroach-infested trailer.


Lilly on September 17, 2011

The iris in Lilly’s eye was found to be protruding through the ruptured cornea, a painful condition that was likely caused by an untreated infection.


Lilly on October 6, 2011

PETA’s investigator suggested that Lilly needed care and offered to take her to a veterinarian. Grant replied, “Why?” and rejected the offer.


Lilly on October 14, 2011

Grant, “scared” that he might “get in trouble” if a cat in Lilly’s condition was seen by others, instead chose to wait for Lilly’s eye to heal on its own.


Lilly on November 7, 2011

Grant denied Lilly care for four months as her eye deteriorated. She lost vision in the eye and became critically ill. Lilly died, without veterinary care, on January 31, 2012.


Duchess on January 16, 2012

Grant rejected PETA’s investigator’s offers to take Duchess for emergency veterinary care. The cat’s neglected, severely injured eye later had to be removed.


Allowed to Breed at Caboodle

Grant failed to get some cats, like Cali, sterilized and let them breed and give birth, despite his widespread claims that cats at the ranch are spayed or neutered.


Allowed to Breed at Caboodle

Grant failed to get this cat sterilized and let her give birth to five kittens at the ranch.


Born and Died at Caboodle

This kitten died hours after being born at the ranch, without receiving veterinary care, as did two siblings days later.


Born and Died at Caboodle

This kitten died at Caboodle of an apparent upper-respiratory infection about a month after being born there. Grant rubbed a Clorox wipe across this kitten’s eye.


Found Dead at Caboodle

Grant said that this cat, whom PETA’s investigator found dead at Caboodle, had a “clogged-up nose” and had died from “upper respiratory.”


Found Dead in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

PETA’s investigator found this cat dead in the so-called “sick ward,” where Grant routinely left dozens of severely ill cats to spread disease. Shown the carcass, Grant replied, “Oh.”


Crawled Into a Hole and Died at Caboodle

PETA’s investigator found that this cat had apparently crawled into a hole and died at Caboodle in early January 2012.


Died in a Hole at Caboodle

A day or more after he died, this cat’s remains were found face down in a hole. The absence of wounds on his body suggest that he died of disease.


Skull Found at Caboodle

Spines and rotting animal remains litter the woods at Caboodle. PETA’s investigator found a skull in a bowl near bags of cat food adjacent to pens where Grant kept newly acquired cats.


Cat’s Spine Found at Caboodle

PETA’s investigator found this spine—with skin still attached—near the kennels in which Grant put cats when they arrived at Caboodle.


Cats Escape Caboodle

Cats, some ill, frequently escaped the “ranch” and risked spreading disease to the surrounding community’s animals.


Extremely Ill, Loose Cat

Grant allowed obviously ill cats with copious amounts of green and brown discharge draining from their eyes, noses, and mouths to spread infection among his other cats.


Another Extremely Ill, Loose Cat

Grant allowed obviously ill cats with copious amounts of green and brown discharge draining from their eyes, noses, and mouths to spread infection among his other cats.


Bloody Mucus Draining From Loose Cats’ Noses and Mouths

Some cats’ respiratory infections were so advanced and serious that they left cats struggling to breathe through the bloody mucus that oozed from their noses and mouths.


Bloody Mucus on Cat in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

Some cats’ respiratory infections were so advanced and serious that they left cats struggling to breathe through the bloody mucus that oozed from their noses and mouths.


Severely Ill Cat in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

PETA’s investigator found this lethargic, dying cat among approximately 50 cats in a trailer on January 3, 2012. 


Severely Ill Cat in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

PETA’s investigator found this listless, dying cat among approximately 50 cats in a trailer on January 3, 2012.


Another Severely Ill Cat in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

PETA’s investigator found this cat drooling saliva among approximately 50 cats in a trailer on January 3, 2012.


Cat Drooling Saliva in So-Called ‘Sick Ward’

PETA’s investigator also found this cat drooling saliva among approximately 50 cats in a trailer on January 3, 2012.


Loose Cat With Severe Hair Loss

PETA’s investigator routinely found cats who were missing large amounts of hair roaming at Caboodle. Grant did not quarantine the cats to prevent the spread of disease or parasites.

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