World’s Cutest Dogs Are Up for Adoption

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Why are the staffers at the Sam Simon Center—PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters—having a hard time getting their work done right now? Because two little pups are making for one big distraction.

Daisy and Cupcake are as beautiful and sweet as their names suggest. They were given up by someone whose dachshund and Chihuahua didn’t get “fixed,” which resulted in several “oops” litters

And now at the PETA office, they are making for several “Oops, I’ve gotta get back to work” moments. What starts out as a brief trip to the kitchen or copier more often than not involves a detour to take Daisy and Cupcake for a walk or give them a tummy rub—both of which the pups love. The staffers who are seated near the “Daisy and Cupcake room” have resorted to earplugs to block out the near-constant squeals of delight from employees and pups.

So now, we are searching for the ideal home for the two—preferably together! Cupcake is about 3 months old, and even though she’s still a tad shy, she’s showing glimpses of that typical puppy personality: playful and always ready to make new friends. Daisy is about a year and a half old and is a bit more reserved. She would appreciate having a patient family who can coax her out of her shell.

These charming girls are crazy about each other, and we’d like them to go to a home together.  And as always, PETA will provide spay surgeries, vaccinations, and microchips. If your family can give Daisy and Cupcake the forever home that they deserve—and meet our rigorous adoption standards—please e-mail [email protected].

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