Video: Littering Stinks!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

We all know that littering is harmful to the planet, but did you know that it can also be deadly for animals? Discarded plastic soda rings, bottles, cups, cans, and even straws can kill wildlife as well as cats and dogs. Thankfully, there are many ways to prevent damage caused by everyday trash items.


Posted by Flagstaff Police Department on Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Although the skunk in this video was saved by compassionate police officers, he or she undoubtedly suffered while trying to get free. Many animals who become entangled in discarded trash never receive help and can die slowly and painfully.

What You Can Do

Don’t ever litter. Animals can mistake trash—such as plastic bags or cups—as food sources or shelter and get stuck, leading to suffocation or even slow starvation. Cover your garbage and recycle bins securely to prevent animals from getting in, and keep an eye out for other people’s trash. Stopping to pick up litter along streets, hiking trails, or beaches could mean the difference between life and death for an animal. Also, consider buying reusable items such as canvas grocery bags and washable straws and plates instead of using one-off plastic items.

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