How to Save Animals with Social Media

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Do you sometimes get down in the dumps about cruelty to animals? Me too. But to change that, we need to be gung-ho go-getters, not teary-eyed tissue-wetters. And it has never been easier to initiate changes for animals without even leaving home.

Getting active online takes just a few clicks of the mouse, and since we already use social media almost every day, getting animal rights messages out to hundreds—even thousands—of people is even easier.

See It? Share It!

A one-click way to spread animal-friendly content on any social-networking site is simply to “like” it, give it a “thumbs up,” click “rate 5 stars,” etc.

‘Like’ Animal Abuse?! Yes!

People sometimes hesitate to “like” content that describes or illustrates cruelty, such as an undercover investigative video showing circus trainers who beat elephants.  But by “liking” it, we aren’t condoning the abuse—we’re suggesting that others learn about it so that they will, hopefully, be prompted to act. It seems natural to “dislike” such horrific images, but that can actually discourage people from viewing important content.

Where to Share

Another easy way to help spread the anti-cruelty message is just to post it on your social-networking pages. Post PETA content on the following sites:

Facebook Twitter Google+ YouTube Tumblr StumbleUpon Pinterest

And last, but not least: anywhere—we love it when people share our posts far and wide!

Please sign up for our e-news—it’s a great way to get new information to share with others.

Are you gung-ho yet? Go get ’em!

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