Pam Anderson Gets Rosy Over Proposed Horse-Drawn Carriage Ban

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
Pam wearing a ‘Ban Horse Drawn Carriages’ button
Pamela Anderson

The big A is in the Big Apple this week, and she’s spreading a little love and gratitude for one man in particular: NYC Councilmember Tony Avella. Yes, the wonder woman of animal protection (aka Pam Anderson)—who is in town promoting her new E! television show Girl on the Loose (which premiers on E! this Sunday at 10:00pm)—took a little extra time to give the city a much-needed reality check. The actor sent Avella roses and a note expressing her appreciation and support for his sponsoring of a bill that would ban horse-drawn carriages in the city.

Here’s what Pam had to say:

Dear Tony,

I’m in New York this week, and although I dread seeing the carriage horses being forced to work in the summer heat, I’m thrilled that you’ve introduced a bill to ban this cruel old trade. I hope you’re successful in getting New York to join Toronto, Paris, and Beijing in getting horse-drawn carriages off the streets.

Good luck and best wishes from me and all your pals at PETA!

Pamela Anderson

Nice work, Pam! Boarding a horse-drawn carriage in a busy city like New York City is as senseless as playing a game of Russian roulette. City noises such as construction, loud music, and even car horns easily spook horses, putting not only horses but also passengers, car drivers, and pedestrians in danger.

Conditions are very cruel for these working animals. Horses are exposed to drastic weather changes and a lack of shade during summer months, and they often do not receive veterinary checkups on a routine basis. Consider this: If you dislike walking on the hot sand during the summer, you better believe that working horses don’t enjoy stepping on the city asphalt—which can climb up to 30 degrees warmer than the ambient air temperature. Then try breathing exhaust fumes as you pull a cart.

To show your support for this bill, trot (geddit?) on over to our action alert and contact NYC’s VIPs to let them know what you think about horse-drawn carriages. Also check out our NYC Horse Drawn Carriage MySpace page and friend us already!

Written by Jennifer Cierlitsky

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