Memorializing Cows Killed in Kansas Crash

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Last month, a truck hauling more than 30 cows to a slaughterhouse crashed on a Kansas City highway, skidding down an embankment onto the street below. Some of the cows were killed in the accident, while other animals wandered away with broken limbs and other injuries before finally being caught and euthanized. To ensure that no one forgets the suffering that animals endure for meat, PETA has asked Kansas officials for permission to place a memorial marker near the crash site:

This sign would not only caution those responsible for transporting animals of the need to treat them as vulnerable passengers but also remind travelers that thousands of living, feeling beings have their throats cut and are hacked apart each day so that people can enjoy a fleeting taste of their flesh.

Of course, we can each memorialize the loss of these animals by choosing humane and life-affirming vegan foods, instead.

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