500 Dolphins Captured in Taiji, Japan

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

500 dolphins have been driven into the infamous cove in Taiji, Japan, for the annual dolphin slaughter. In response to international outrage over the “hunt,” Japanese fishers placed tarps over much of the cove to keep cameras from obtaining images of them sorting out which dolphins would be sold to marine-mammal parks and which would be slaughtered for meat. It’s unclear how many dolphins were captured, how many were killed, and how many, if any, were released. What is clear is the horror of it all: the fear, panic, and stress of the dolphins. And it’s also clear that we must all get involved to stop the killing!


Dolphins gained a strong new ally this year, in addition to international protests. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy tweeted her opposition to the slaughter, writing, “Deeply concerned by inhumaneness of drive hunt dolphin killing. [The U.S. government] opposes drive hunt fisheries.”

As for Japan’s claim that the killing is a “tradition”?  The annual dolphin slaughter only began in 1969—when buyers started popping up who were willing to pay for dolphins they could keep in captivity for entertainment purposes.

Humans started the dolphin slaughter by shelling out big bucks to marine-mammal parks and swim-with-dolphins programs. And now we have to stop it.

There are loads of things that you can do, no matter where you live, to help dolphins. Follow PETA on Facebook and Twitter to get weekly updates on our campaign to end marine-mammal captivity, which we urge you to share with your friends. Lead a demonstration at a marine-animal park in your area, or leaflet about the cruelty of these places. Ask SeaWorld to release the animals to ocean sanctuaries, and until it does, proudly wear your “SeaWorld Kills” T-shirt. And when it’s your turn to pick the movie, choose The Cove or Blackfish, available on Netflix.

Together, we can make sure that the water in the Taiji cove never runs red again.

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