Congratulations, Sir Paul!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Last night, longtime PETA booster Sir Paul McCartney rocked the White House. He sang “Michelle” to the first lady, and played to a packed crowd of celebs (including fellow PETA pal Emmylou Harris). To cap it all off, President Obama presented him with the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song.

Of course, Sir Paul rocks on and off the stage. All about living la vida vegetarían, he’s been a driving force behind the international “Meat-Free Monday” campaign. He’s also urged Giorgio Armani to go fur-free, gone after KFC, and drummed up support for a worldwide boycott of McDonald’s.

So congratulations, Sir Paul, and thanks for everything that you do for animals!

Via Vegetarian Star

Written by Amy Skylark Elizabeth

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