Americans Agree: Animal Testing Is Wrong

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

The movement to end vivisection is gaining more allies every year as groups like PETA continue to find creative new ways to expose the cruelty that millions of mice, rats, dogs, primates, and other animals are forced to endure in laboratories. The proof is in the numbers!

PETA, along with researchers from the University of Alabama–Birmingham and Manhattanville College, studied the results of independent Gallup polls conducted from 2001 to 2011, in each of which approximately 1,000 Americans were asked whether they found “medical testing on animals” to be “morally acceptable” or “morally wrong.” The results are heartening: Opposition to animal testing increased overall, across all age groups and political affiliations and both genders.

According to the surveys, the majority of adults ages 18 to 29 and the majority of women are opposed to animal testing. And nearly half of all adults don’t approve of the fact that animals are burned, poisoned, and hacked apart in laboratories.

The study (which is just one of the many that PETA’s team of scientists has published in peer-reviewed journals) makes one thing abundantly clear: The tide is turning in favor of getting animals out of laboratories.

Help us make sure that public policies evolve with society’s growing compassion for animals. Please e-mail your senators and representatives and ask them to stand with their constituents and stop funneling taxpayer money into cruel experiments on animals.

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