Alec Baldwin to Bash Horse-Drawn Carriages on ’30 Rock’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

As ever-more people join PETA and New Yorkers for Clean, Livable & Safe Streets (NYCLASS) in calling for a ban on New York’s horse-drawn carriages, Alec Baldwin is taking advocacy for horses to primetime.


In an upcoming episode of 30 Rock, people across the country will hear Alec’s character, Jack Donaghy, call horse-drawn carriages “rolling torture wagons for nature’s most dignified creature.” That’s the perfect way to describe the disgusting little business that forces horses to trudge along in all weather extremes, inhaling exhaust fumes and risking becoming one of the horses who are killed or injured by cars.

Here’s what Alec had to say about the upcoming episode:

“Rolling torture wagons for nature’s most dignified creature.” That’s how my 30 Rock character Jack Donaghy describes horse-drawn carriages, and it’s why I agreed to appear in a scene featuring a carriage. It reflects my personal belief that New York should join Toronto, London, and Paris in outlawing hansom cabs from city centers. I’ve been speaking out with PETA against the cruelty of horse-drawn carriages for decades, and I’m thrilled that Intro. 86A, the bill to replace the carriages with eco-friendly classic replica cars, has garnered so much support in the City Council. I urge New Yorkers to contact their City Council members in support of the ban and people around the country to sign NYCLASS’ petition. 

So make like Kenneth the page and do as Mr. Donaghy says. If you live in New York, please contact your City Council representatives and urge them to pass Intro. 86A. If you are outside New York, please sign NYCLASS’ petition to ban horse-drawn carriages. 

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