The City of Lakeway, Texas, Votes to Continue to Torture Deer!

Despite an ongoing public outcry, officials in Lakeway, Texas, reportedly are planning to hire a contractor to lure deer into nets and then truck and relocate them to West Texas. Trapping initiatives like this tear wild families apart, leaving young or weak animals vulnerable to prolonged and agonizing deaths from starvation and dehydration. And they are notoriously inhumane, as every minute trapped—particularly when humans are in close proximity—is a terrifying eternity for these easily frightened prey animals, who can badly injure themselves in their frantic attempts to escape. Furthermore, deer trapping and relocation mortality rates can be as high as 85% because of stress, injury, and difficulties adapting to a new location. In 2018, Citizen Advocates for Lakeway Deer captured nightmarish footage, reportedly taken in Lakeway, depicting deer thrashing around and screaming inside nets and then being dragged away. PETA has repeatedly apprised city officials of the futility and cruelty of this approach, and your help is needed!

Please urge the following officials to scrap plans to implement this sadistic program and pass along these humane deer-control tips. Then, forward this alert to everyone you know.

Julie Oakley
Interim City Manager
[email protected]

The Honorable Sandy Cox
Mayor of Lakeway
[email protected]

Please also e-mail the members of the Lakeway City Council by pasting the following block of addresses into the “To” field of your e-mail message:

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Please feel free to use our sample letter, but remember that using your own words is always more effective.

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