Roll a 20 in Compassion: New Dungeons & Dragons Subclasses From PETA Help Players Protect Animals
For Immediate Release:
September 30, 2024
Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382
To supplement the just-released Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook, PETA has rolled out three unique character subclasses that enable players to bring their passion for animal protection into their gameplay. The subclasses—Druid: Circle of Empathy, Paladin: Oath of Animal Liberation, and Ranger: Warden of the Wild—as well as the special abilities they confer are detailed in a free, ultra-crunchy guide that’s available to download on PETA’s website and can easily be integrated into existing campaigns.

Circle of Empathy druids experience a deep empathy for all sentient beings, granting them, for instance, access to spells, including Calm Emotions and Conjure Woodland Beings. Oath of Animal Liberation paladins vow to protect animals and gain benefits, such as the ability to stop other humanoids from using animals for riding, carrying loads, or engaging in combat. Warden of the Wild rangers stand against anyone who exploits or endangers animals, and can designate a natural area as a sanctuary or sabotage a hunt. Additional tools are also available to each of PETA’s subclasses, including the Rescue Satchel, which magically expands to provide a temporary home for small animals, and the Sanctuary Key, which unlocks any cage or trap that holds animals.
“Compassionate D&D players have been asking for ways to advocate for animals in their adventures, and PETA’s new subclasses will help them do just that,” says PETA Senior Vice President Joel Bartlett. “PETA encourages everyone to level up in kindness by protecting animals in need—in their campaigns and in real life.”
PETA—whose motto reads, “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.