Vegan Leather Belts Cinching Style Up a Notch

Published by Ryan Hajek.

Buckle up: Vegan leather belts are here to cinch your style up a notch. I’ve been boasting about my vegan belts for years, and people still ask what they’re made of.

What Are Vegan Belts Made of?

Any belt that doesn’t contain skin stolen from an animal is vegan. The most common vegan belts are made from cloth, such as canvas, or vegan leather. While many large retailers offer vegan leather belts made from polyurethane, designers also make vegan leather belts from innovative materials like pineapple leaves, apple peels, and cork. Yes, the belts around my hips hail from an orchard, tropical plant, or tree.

I’ve tried them all, and while I think cork is the coolest, they all look good and last a long time.

Vegan Leather Belts Skip the Skin, Not the Style

Vegan belts are a cut above all the belts that use skin from dead animals. More than a billion cows, sheep, and other animals are killed annually for their skins worldwide. Much of the leather sold in U.S. stores comes from countries where animal welfare laws are nonexistent or largely unenforced. Cows and bulls are burned in the face, beaten, and electroshocked before workers slit their throats at the slaughterhouse.

Begin your browsing with these vegan leather belts:

Cinch Belt in Natural Apple Leather from Bhava

Apple leather is made from peels, cores, and seeds—the hearty leftovers from apple juice and applesauce production. Artisans in Spain handmake this belt by Bhava, which features apple leather.

Vegan Corn Leather Belt by NOAH – Italian Vegan Shoes

Companies are turning to corn waste as a new source of leather and suede. This light but durable belt is made of corn-derived materials and viscose.

Cork Belt by Corkor

Cork is a highly renewable material for vegan leather because the bark is harvested from cork oak trees without cutting them down. One tree can provide cork for generations!

Piñatex Vegan Leather Belt by NAE Vegan Shoes

Piñatex is an organic material made of fiber extracts from pineapple leaves.

Cactus Leather Belt by Vegan Leather Co.

These belts don’t have cactus pricks but still look sharp—Vegan Leather Co. offers vegan belts made from the innovative cactus leather by Desserto.

If you’ve wrapped your waist with a vegan leather belt but still need to suit up with other items, check out our lists of vegan leather shoes, jackets, and wallets for more killer looks that don’t kill animals or the planet.

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