Post Malone Is Partnering With Oreo—PETA Urges ‘Rockstar’ Rapper to Speak Up for Mice and Rats
Post Malone just announced a partnership with Oreo—but the Rockstar rapper won’t get a congratulations from PETA until he calls for Oreo’s parent company to end its invasive and deadly tests on animals.

Cruelty’s Favorite Cookie? Here’s Why PETA Wants Post to Speak Up
After hearing about the partnership, PETA wrote to Post informing him that Mondelēz International—the maker of Oreos—has paid experimenters to force mice to eat human feces in gruesome tests that have nothing to do with human health. Experimenters torment these sensitive, family-oriented animals before killing and dissecting them in the name of “nutritional science”—even though the physiology and biology of mice are drastically different from those of humans.
“These experiments are not only cruel but also unreliable, as animals’ bodies react very differently from humans’,” PETA wrote in a letter to Post. “With so many modern and humane research methods available today, sticking to these outdated and inhumane practices just doesn’t make sense.”
In addition to making mice eat human feces, experimenters funded by Mondelēz have fed rats a mixture of chips, crackers, and candies, force-fed mice glass beads, and fed mice foods high in saturated fat to damage their gut before killing and dissecting the animals.
After hearing from PETA in 2018, Mondelēz instituted a limited “ban” on tests on animals for its products and ingredients. However, the company left a major loophole in its policy by saying that it would only use tests on animals “when it is needed to advance fundamental knowledge in nutritional science.” The cookie manufacturer is trying to dupe the public into thinking that it does not test its products on animals, yet it has funded horrific tests on mice and other animals for curiosity-driven “nutritional science.”
Make Nutritional Science Better Now: Eat Without Experiments!
Food and beverage companies pay for cruel tests on animals to make marketing claims to consumers about health-promoting ingredients and for curiosity-driven research. This scheme doesn’t just cause immense suffering to feeling animals—it also makes no sense. Research has repeatedly proven that tests on animals are ineffective, misleading, and fail to lead to human-relevant results.
Instead of saying, “That’s just how the cookie crumbles,” compassionate consumers can help PETA transform nutritional research. PETA’s revolutionary “Eat Without Experiments” program aims to inform consumers about food and beverage companies’ animal testing status so that they can support animal testing-free companies. YOU can take action by checking out PETA’s “Eat Without Experiments” website and by telling Oreo’s parent company to end its shameful tests on animals: