PETA Condemns ASPCA, Humane Society Endorsement of Factory Farms—Here’s How
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) promote the factory farming industry. Representatives from these “animal protection” organizations presently sit on the board of directors for the Global Animal Partnership, the group behind misleading “animal welfare certified” labels at Whole Foods Markets. Unfortunately, these marketing buzzwords mean nothing for animals raised and killed for food.
The Global Animal Partnership betrays animals by lying to consumers, falsely assuring them that its certifications mean that animals are being treated humanely. HSUS, the ASPCA, and CIWF continue to support this humane-washing scam in the misguided hope of changing it from the inside, even though other groups, including PETA and Farm Forward, have cut ties with the Global Animal Partnership and urged them to do the same.
PETA investigators have documented systemic cruelty and suffering at 12 Global Animal Partnership–certified facilities.
A PETA investigation into Sweet Stem Farm—which was certified by the Global Animal Partnership at the time—revealed that pigs were crammed into severely crowded sheds and had painful, bloody rectal prolapses.
A separate PETA investigation into Plainville Farms—which also was, at the time, Global Animal Partnership–certified—documented that workers there kicked, beat, and threw turkeys and left ailing birds to suffer without treatment. PETA’s investigation resulted in former Plainville Farms workers being charged with six felonies and a total of 141 counts of cruelty to animals—the largest number in any factory-farmed animal case in U.S. history. Ten former workers have been convicted so far.
Campaign History: PETA Urges HSUS, the ASPCA, and Others to Cut Ties With the Global Animal Partnership
PETA Raises a Stink Outside ASPCA HQ Over Factory Farm Endorsement
On January 23, PETA raised a real stink in New York City when a dump truck dropped a pile of poop in front of the ASPCA’s headquarters while PETA supporters chanted with signs calling on the ASPCA to cut the crap and stop promoting factory farms that hide systemic cruelty beneath phony “animal welfare certified” labels.

PETA Places ‘Don’t Trust the Label’ Ads Near HSUS and ASPCA Offices
PETA is placing 25 large “Don’t Trust The Label” fly-posters near the ASPCA office in New York City and 15 large sidewalk decals near the HSUS office in Washington, D.C., the week of November 11 to increase the pressure on HSUS and the ASPCA to stop supporting factory farms.

You can help end the humane-washing lies—first, by going vegan, and second, by making sure these organizations know that you won’t support them until they end all their factory-farm endorsements.
James Cromwell Throws His Humane Society Award in the Trash
James Cromwell, star of Succession, informed HSUS that he had literally trashed his Lifetime Achievement Award to show his disgust at the organization’s role in propping up factory farms.
In a video released by PETA, Cromwell—who received the award during the HSUS 60th Anniversary Gala in 2014—says, “As much as I hate to do this, I’m moving this award from my mantle to the only place it really deserves: the garbage. It saddens me. But it saddens me more to realize that HSUS is betraying the animals who depend on them for their protection.”
“On these misleadingly ‘certified’ farms, animals are mutilated (portions of their ears are cut off and they are castrated) often without pain relief, forcibly artificially inseminated (i.e., raped, a farm hand’s arm all the way up to the elbow into their rectum, a syringe of sperm into their uterus), kept in severely overcrowded conditions, deprived of sunlight and fresh air, robbed of their beloved babies, transported in all weather extremes, and strung up by their legs to be killed in front of other terrified animals. This is abuse, and by remaining on the Global Animal Partnership board, HSUS is complicit in it.”—James Cromwell
PETA Protester Arrested at HSUS Gala in Fracas Over Factory Farms
On November 4, a PETA supporter wearing a pig costume and carrying a sign reading, “Stop Promoting Sham Humane Certifications,” was arrested by police while chaining himself to the door of Cipriani 42nd Street in New York City, where HSUS was holding a fundraiser.

This proud “pig” was protesting HSUS’s support of factory farms. Other PETA supporters disrupted the HSUS event by holding signs and chanting.

Full-Page PETA Ads in Top Papers Put ‘Humane-Washers’ on Blast
On October 13, PETA ran full-page ads in The Washington Post and The New York Times, calling out HSUS and the ASPCA for betraying animals and kind consumers.
Many of these organizations’ online followers were also served digital ads critiquing the Global Animal Partnership’s lies.
Similar ads targeting the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals have also been spotted in the U.K.

PETA Supporter Arrested at ASPCA Annual Humane Awards Luncheon
On October 10, a PETA supporter wearing a pig mask and holding a sign reading, “Stop Betraying Us!” was dragged out of the Plaza Hotel in New York City and arrested on its steps after interrupting the ASPCA’s Annual Humane Awards Luncheon.

The pig defender apologized to the awardees for the interruption but condemned the group for pimping for the factory farming industry at the expense of animal suffering and deaths. Dozens of others joined in the protest.
Before being hauled out by security, the protester implored the ASPCA’s top brass to resign immediately from the Global Animal Partnership’s board of directors.
HSUS Attempts to Defend the Indefensible
PETA has repeatedly shared our findings and concerns with the Global Animal Partnership and the organizations that serve on its board, including in a September 2024 letter that was covered by Bloomberg.
We blew holes through the flimsy arguments HSUS offered in response one by one.
Help End the ‘Humane’ Lies
Kind consumers can take steps to end this cruelty and the “humane” lies—first, by going vegan, and second, by making sure these organizations know that you won’t support them until they end all their factory farm endorsements.
Please shun all animal-derived foods and remember that “organic” and “free-range” labels mean nothing to animals. They certainly don’t mean a humane life or death.
And please sign PETA’s petition telling HSUS, the ASPCA, and CIWF to resign from the Global Animal Partnership’s board of directors immediately and end their affiliation with the partnership and all factory farming of animals: