Bovine Burps Cause Climate Change!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

This burp machine, sent to the media by PETA, happens to come with a serious message. Cows’ burps fuel the climate crisis, and the lifesaving solution is for everyone to ditch dairy, forego flesh, and go vegan.

A photo of PETA's "burp machine" and a black and white cow looking surprised

This playful little package is tied to PETA’s investigation of Oakridge Dairy, which exposed the largest dairy in Connecticut duping consumers about the cows it confines for a sham “clean energy” scheme. At Oakridge, suffering cows are confined indoors and on concrete floors their entire lives so that their manure can be collected and tossed into a “methane digester” machine and converted into natural gas for sale. PETA is calling foul, pointing out that the process fails to address the largest source of methane emissions from cows—it’s their burps, not their manure, that contributes most to the climate crisis.

The only truly effective solution to the climate crisis is a global prioritization of dairy-free, vegan food, which would eliminate methane emissions from cows and spare these gentle animals severe suffering. Please go vegan today.

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