Hermit Crabs Are Suffering at These Beach Stores
Impulse shoppers who lack the knowledge, resources, or desire to meet the extraordinarily specialized husbandry needs of hermit crabs buy countless ones as “pets” annually. In nature, these complex animals shun human contact, travel in colonies that number up to 100, and can live for as long as 40 years. But in captivity, they typically die between the ages of 1 and 4. Taken from their homes (because they don’t breed in captivity), peddled as cheap trinkets, confined to small “habitats,” roughly handled, fed improper diets, and forgotten when the novelty wears off, these animals are doomed from the moment they’re captured.

Selling live animals is wrong. Please contact the following stores and urge them to leave hermit crabs alone:
Eagles Beachwear
Bargain Beachwear
Wild Side Beachwear