Urge Love’s Travel Stops to Stop Selling Alligator Body Parts

Love’s Travel Stops sells souvenirs made from the bodies of alligators despite knowing that the animals are confined in filthy pools and violently slaughtered for their skins, heads, teeth, and claws.

Alligators are highly intelligent and have been documented using small sticks as tools to lure in birds looking for nesting materials. Females are devoted mothers who gently carry their babies in their mouths and protect them for several years after they hatch. In nature, they can live to be 50 years old, but on farms, alligators are confined to cramped, disgusting pits and killed at just a year old. A PETA investigator documented that workers stabbed and hacked apart conscious, flailing animals.

Like all animals, alligators experience stress, pain, joy, love, and the desire to be free. Their dismembered bodies should never be sold as souvenirs.

Join thousands of PETA supporters calling for Love’s Travel Stops to rid its shelves of these grisly “trinkets” and enact a permanent policy against selling alligators’ body parts.

Please send polite messages to:

Jenny Love Meyer
Chief Culture Officer
Love’s Travel Stops
[email protected]

Then, leave a comment for Love’s Travel Stop on social media:

Please feel free to use our sample letter, but remember that using your own words is always more effective.

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