PETA Remembers Anna Nicole Smith

On February 8, 2007, PETA and animals lost a good friend and outspoken supporter, Anna Nicole Smith. She used every opportunity to speak out against senseless cruelty to animals, and she will be greatly missed. We always thought that Anna Nicole was a perfect fit for PETA because, just like us, she not only hated cruelty to animals but also couldn’t be ignored and because, no matter what people thought of her, they always had an opinion one way or another.

Anna Nicole first worked with PETA on an ad that became a striking centerpiece for PETA’s anti-fur campaign. Dressed in pink satin and surrounded by handsome men in tuxedos, Anna Nicole was the image of Marilyn Monroe. Beneath her photo were the words “Gentlemen prefer fur-free blondes.”

Soon after, Anne Nicole helped baby seals by sending a message to the Canadian prime minister: “Stop the bloody seal slaughter.”

She also starred in an ad for PETA’s campaign to urge Iams pet food company to end its cruel animal tests. Because of her involvement, we were able to reach thousands of people, urging them to boycott Iams and put more pressure on the company to end the painful and unnecessary tests.

Anna Nicole was a captivating woman who hated cruelty to animals, loved her dogs, and always had an opinion that she was ready to share. It’s a tragedy when anyone passes away before his or her time, but with Anna Nicole, the animals have lost a true sympathizer, and PETA has lost a good friend. Take action in Anna Nicole’s honor today by signing PETA’s fur-free pledge.

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