Bonita Springs, Florida
March 24, 2009
This ordinance limits the conditions in which an animal may be lawfully tethered. Comfortable and properly fitted collars must be used, and tethering is not allowed during significantly inclement weather.
Sec. 8-5. – Cruelty to animals.
(l) Tethering. No person shall under any circumstances tether or otherwise confine any animal in a manner that is injurious to the animal’s health, safety and well-being. Proper and humane tethering includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Collars used to attach an animal should be comfortable and properly fitted as to not choke the animal. The use of choke chains is prohibited.
(2) The tethering shall not extend over an object or edge in such a manner that could result in strangulation of or injury to the animal. The length of the tether must be a minimum of ten feet, or at least three times the length of the animal measured from the animal’s nose to the base of its tail, whichever is greater, unless the tether is being used to secure the animal to the bed of an open vehicle or pickup truck. Restraints should allow the animal to move about and lie down comfortably.
(3) Tethering of an animal is prohibited during natural disasters such as floods, fires, tornados or hurricanes.