PETA Scientists Promote Animal-Free Methods at Largest Toxicology Conference in the World
PETA Scientists Promote Animal-Free Methods at Largest Toxicology Conference in the World

PETA scientists promoted animal-free toxicity testing approaches at the Society of Toxicology’s 62nd Annual Meeting, which draws thousands of regulators, academics and industry representatives each year. At the meeting, they chaired sessions and presented on topics including ways to evaluate confidence in test methods, and available non-animal methods to assess the impacts of chemicals on … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Joins Global Collaboration to Advance Animal-Free Cosmetics Safety Testing
PETA Science Consortium International Joins Global Collaboration to Advance Animal-Free Cosmetics Safety Testing

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. joined the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS), a global initiative of more than 35 cosmetic manufacturers and suppliers, industry associations and animal protection organizations. The ICCS aims to advance animal-free methods for testing cosmetics products and ingredients through research, education and regulatory engagement. The group will fund scientific evaluation … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Sends Award Winners to In Vitro Toxicology Training
PETA Science Consortium International Sends Award Winners to In Vitro Toxicology Training

Scientists from state and federal government agencies received awards from PETA Science Consortium International e.V. to attend a four-day training course, hosted by a premier non-animal testing laboratory and sponsored by the Science Consortium. The awardees included scientists from the California Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Food and Drug … Read more »

Paper Co-authored by PETA Scientists Will Expand Availability of Human Lung Slices and Reduce Animal Tests
Paper Co-authored by PETA Scientists Will Expand Availability of Human Lung Slices and Reduce Animal Tests

A paper co-authored by PETA Science Consortium International e.V. is poised to revolutionize the field of inhalation research and reduce tests that kill millions of animals each year. The paper describes a study, funded in part by the Science Consortium, showing that frozen human lung slices work as well as fresh slices to assess the … Read more »

Webinar Co-organized by PETA Scientists Draws Hundreds of Registrants
Webinar Co-organized by PETA Scientists Draws Hundreds of Registrants

More than 700 people registered for a webinar co-organized by PETA scientists, the U.S. Environmental Agency and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. The webinar focused on the topic of a paper co-authored by PETA scientists that challenges the standard practice of measuring the accuracy of new non-animal methods by comparing them to flawed animal … Read more »

European Chemicals Agency Commits to Ending Tests on Animals
European Chemicals Agency Commits to Ending Tests on Animals

The European Commission and the European Chemicals Agency announced that they’ll be taking steps to end tests on animals for industrial chemicals. In its announcement about the decision, the European Commission acknowledged ongoing pressure from a European Parliament resolution, which came after PETA U.K. shared its Research Modernisation Deal with members of Parliament, and from … Read more »

PETA Scientists Co-Edit Special Journal Issue on Non-Animal Toxicity Testing
PETA Scientists Co-Edit Special Journal Issue on Non-Animal Toxicity Testing

PETA scientists co-edited and contributed to a special issue on non-animal approaches to toxicity testing in the prestigious journal, Frontiers in In Vitro Toxicology. More than 70 authors from seven countries contributed to the issue highlighting widespread interest in advancing animal-free testing.

PETA Scientists Awarded for Contributions to Non-Animal Testing
PETA Scientists Awarded for Contributions to Non-Animal Testing

PETA scientists received multiple awards for the advancement of non-animal testing methods at the Society of Toxicology annual meeting, the largest toxicology conference in the world, drawing thousands of scientists each year. Dr. Amy Clippinger, vice president of regulatory toxicology testing for PETA and president of PETA Science Consortium International e.V., won the 2022 Society of Toxicology … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Gives Early-Career Scientists Training Opportunities in Animal-Free Science
PETA Science Consortium International Gives Early-Career Scientists Training Opportunities in Animal-Free Science

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. gives essential training opportunities to scientists to ensure that they have the skills needed to pursue careers in animal-free science. Thanks to these awards, an undergraduate student at North Carolina Central University attended the 2022 Society of Toxicology (SOT) conference. The award to attend the SOT conference was established to … Read more »

Paper Coauthored by PETA Scientists Provides New Way to Evaluate Non-Animal Tests
Paper Coauthored by PETA Scientists Provides New Way to Evaluate Non-Animal Tests

PETA scientists coauthored a paper that challenges the standard practice of measuring the accuracy of new non-animal methods by comparing them to animal tests. The paper provides a new, faster way to evaluate novel methods that’s grounded in human biology and good science rather than flawed tests on animals.

PETA Scientists Publish on Non-Animal Research
PETA Scientists Publish on Non-Animal Research

PETA scientists published a paper that shows how researchers can avoid the use of a product that’s extracted from the blood of fetal calves after their mothers are slaughtered for food. This product is used to grow cells in petri dishes, but animal-free products are available and can be used instead.

PETA Scientists Coauthor Paper on New Approach to Assessing Whether Chemicals Cause Cancer
PETA Scientists Coauthor Paper on New Approach to Assessing Whether Chemicals Cause Cancer

PETA scientists and experts from regulatory agencies, academia, and companies coauthored a groundbreaking paper that presents a new approach to assessing whether chemicals cause cancer. The approach is already being used to spare mice and rats tests in which they’re fed pesticides every day to see if tumors develop.

PETA Science Consortium International Donates Equipment to Replace Test Using Live Rabbits
PETA Science Consortium International Donates Equipment to Replace Test Using Live Rabbits

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. donated equipment worth $20,000 to an animal-free laboratory to help end a nearly 80-year-old test in which chemicals are applied to the eyes of live rabbits. This donation helps ensure access to the equipment needed for non-animal tests that replace tests on animals.

PETA Scientists Save Hundreds of Rats and Fish After Intervening in European Union Case
PETA Scientists Save Hundreds of Rats and Fish After Intervening in European Union Case

PETA scientists intervened in a legal case in which the European Chemicals Agency was requiring a company to conduct tests on animals even though such tests contradicted the agency’s own requirement that animals be used only as a last resort. In this major victory for animals, PETA scientists provided evidence that helped win the case, … Read more »

PETA Scientists Present at Conference on Non-Animal Test Methods
PETA Scientists Present at Conference on Non-Animal Test Methods

PETA scientists from Europe, India, and the U.S. participated in the 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, a virtual conference focused on non-animal test methods that is attended by researchers and regulators from around the world. The PETA scientists chaired four sessions, presented 15 posters, and delivered two oral … Read more »

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