Plea for National Prayer Participants: ‘Hear the Cries of Animals—and Go Vegan’

PETA’s Christian Outreach Division, ‘Jesus People for Animals,’ Will Promote Mercy to All God’s Creation

For Immediate Release:
May 6, 2015

David Perle 202-483-7382


When attendees arrive for Thursday’s three-hour National Day of Prayer service on Capitol Hill—with the theme “Lord, Hear Our Cry”—members of Jesus People for Animals, PETA’s Christian outreach division, will gather outside with posters emblazoned with images of animals representing those who are hurt and killed for food, clothing, experimentation, and entertainment alongside the words, “Hear Their Cries. Go Vegan.”

Where:           Cannon House Office Building, 27 Independence Ave. S.E. (near the intersection of Independence Avenue S.E. and New Jersey Avenue S.E.), Washington

When:             Thursday, May 7, 8 a.m.

In an open letter to National Day of Prayer participants (available here), Jesus People for Animals—whose motto reads, “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way”—points out that the Bible says that God wants everyone to listen to the cries of others, a message that should apply to the rabbits, foxes, cows, pigs, elephants, whales, and other animals who are used and abused by humans.

“Around the world, animals are denied the opportunity to feel the warmth of the sun, the freedom to roam, the companionship of others, and everything else that God intended for them,” says PETA Director of Christian Outreach and Engagement Sarah Withrow King. “On this National Day of Prayer, PETA and Jesus People for Animals are asking everyone to hear these animals’ cries—and make kind choices for animals about what we eat, wear, and buy.”

For more information, please visit

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