Supporters Like You

Meet the People Who Are Putting Compassion Into Action for Animals

Just like you, the following are people who want animals to live free from abuse and as nature intended. And they’ve taken action through a gift in a will or trust, or by beneficiary designation to support and sustain PETA today and into the future. Meet some of these extraordinary champions for animal rights.

Connie Haeder and Valerie Haeder

Get inspired by sisters, and PETA members, Connie and Valerie Haeder to become a steward for animals and help stop all the ways in which they suffer.

“When I contribute my time and money to a cause, I want results.  No matter how big or small the animal injustice, PETA acts, and delivers, in groundbreaking, impactful ways.”

– Connie Haeder

Niloofar Asgharian

“Estate planning that includes PETA is a continuation of my story of life when I’m gone.”

Reichen Kuhl

Reichen’s concern for all animals extends well beyond the ones under his roof, and that’s why he included PETA in his estate plans, entrusting PETA to use his earnings to end the suffering of animals long into the future.

Laura and David Frisk

We have been PETA members for many years, donating generously and naming PETA in our will, because PETA has done more for animals than
any other animal rights group in the world!

Kathryn Dalenberg

“I’m proud to be a PETA member/supporter for over 25 years. I like that PETA is creative and imaginative in the ways it calls attention to animal cruelty, abuse, and exploitation.”

Read more of her story

I’m proud to be a PETA member/supporter for over 25 years. I like that PETA is creative and imaginative in the ways it calls attention to animal cruelty, abuse, and exploitation. I believe PETA “put legs on” the animal rights movement, and PETA gets results. I like that PETA is tenacious and unapologetic about exposing anyone who abuses animals. PETA sets a high standard showing that ALL animals matter, and PETA is an inspiration for my animal advocacy. I appreciate that peta2 helps teach the young generation that it is cool to love animals and be kind to them. And PETA says it’s sexy to be vegan, regardless what age I am.

Maru Vigo

“We all work to see the day when all animals are liberated, but we must provide the means to achieve such a victory.”

Read more of her story

We all work to see the day when all animals are liberated, but we must provide the means to achieve such a victory. I have included PETA as a beneficiary in my will because I would like to keep helping animals even after my death.

“We all work to see the day when all animals are liberated, but we must provide the means to achieve such a victory.”

– Maru Vigo

Vincelee Stevens

“The more I become involved with PETA, the more I am impressed by its resolve, effectiveness, and efficiency.”

Read more of her story

PETA is my inspiration and support. The more I become involved with PETA, the more I am impressed by its resolve, effectiveness, and efficiency. Of course, all this work takes resources, and that is why I made PETA the beneficiary of my retirement plan. I know of no better legacy than to continue helping animals even after I’m gone!

“PETA is my inspiration and support. The more I become involved with PETA, the more I am impressed by its resolve, effectiveness, and efficiency.”

– Vincelee Stevens

Tom and Marsha Garretson

“We also support PETA however we can, because they are the ones who are actually getting things done, on so many different fronts.”

Read more of their story

Ingrid Newkirk has often said and written that “you” can make a difference in helping animals. We put these words into practice when we retired to Key Largo several years ago and opened a free spay/neuter clinic. We also support PETA however we can, because they are the ones who are actually getting things done, on so many different fronts. They are not just talking about it, they are changing our society. And we want PETA to continue their great work even after we are gone.

Michele Thorn

“When I discovered PETA’s Augustus Club, I realized that leaving a gift to PETA in my will was yet another way I could help animals even after I was no longer around.”

Read more of her story

When I discovered PETA’s Augustus Club, I realized that leaving a gift to PETA in my will was yet another way I could help animals even after I was no longer around. Although my retirement years are still pretty far away, I already have a good idea how I will be spending my time, and I cannot wait. Somehow I have become one of those radical PETA members I used to hear about, and I am so thankful for that!

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Questions? We’re here to help.

Tim Enstice
Vice President of Legacy Gifts, PETA Foundation
501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510