Virginia Woman Is Charged With Cruelty for Running Down Ducks

October 2002

According to a Chesapeake, Virginia, resident who contacted PETA, a woman who came across a family of ducks on the road hit the accelerator and deliberately drove her car into the ducks, mortally wounding one of the birds and injuring several others, and then continued on her way.

According to our contact, the duck suffered before she finally succumbed to her injuries, and the entire incident was witnessed by a group of schoolchildren waiting for the bus. We asked our contact to hold the body and immediately report the incident to Chesapeake Animal Control.

We faxed a letter to Chesapeake Animal Control asking them to contact the witness and initiate an investigation. Animal control did investigate and retrieve statements from two eyewitnesses, which led to their charging the woman who killed the duck with cruelty to animals.

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