What are Aquababies?

AquaBabies are 4-inch plastic cubes containing fish, snails, and frogs for sale in drugstores and convenience stores around the country. The AquaBabies containers do not provide adequate space for even the smallest of animals, and since they are frequently sold as “impulse” items next to cash registers, the majority of purchasers aren’t equipped with the knowledge they need to properly care for these animals. The fate of the surviving animals is bleak once they are purchased, and their presence on store shelves encourages an unenlightened attitude about animals. More and more companies are refusing to sell AquaBabies, including Walgreen’s, Eckerd, Rite Aid, and Albertson’s, because of customer complaints. Express your concern for animals whose lives are being endangered and lost in the hands of impulse buyers by writing to companies that sell AquaBabies.

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